Board of Directors

Dr. Mahdi Hasanlou

Dean of the School

Dr. Parham Pahlavani

 Vice President of Research

 Dr.Reza Shah Hosseini

 Vice President of Education

Dr. Parham Pahlavani

Administrative and Executive Affairs Supervisor

Description of duties and services of the Board of Directors:

A- To provide the executive grounds for the bylaws and circulars issued by the university and the campus;

B- Developing a strategic operational / executive plan of the faculty and proposing to the campus,

C- Proposing organizational reform and organizational positions of the faculty to the campus;

D- Submitting proposals for reform and innovation in the educational, research, administrative and financial fields of the faculty to the campus;

E- Proposing the annual budget required by the faculty to the campus;

F- Establishing the necessary coordination between the deputies of the faculty, 

G- Proposing the employment of staff within the framework of university policies and the set quota,

H- Reviewing and approving the internal regulations of the faculty within the framework of university regulations;

I- To make decisions in cases that are put on the agenda by the dean of the faculty or the deputies;

L- Submitting the annual performance report and preparing and proposing the annual plan to the faculty council