Dr. Parham Pahlavani

       Vice Dean for Research

Research Affairs Office of the Faculty of Surveying and Geospatial​​​​​​​ Information Engineering

Duties and Services:

A. Managing all research activities of the faculty, overseeing their proper implementation, and establishing connections with internal and external institutions for the exchange of scientific, research, and laboratory services.

B. Planning to improve the current operations and enhance the development of research activities in alignment with the university’s policies.

C. Collaborating in providing scientific and research services within the faculty and organizing seminars and conferences.

D. Striving to improve the faculty’s research indicators based on the university’s research benchmarks (such as the quantity and quality of international publications, industry collaboration, etc.).

E. Supervising all research activities within the faculty.

F. Overseeing and guiding the faculty’s scientific and research service divisions (such as the library, computer labs, central laboratory, etc.).

G. Evaluating the research performance of the faculty and its academic staff and providing necessary reports to the Research Council and the Executive Board of the faculty.

H. Promoting the faculty’s research achievements to raise public awareness and garner material and moral support.

I. Preparing the agenda for the Faculty Research Council meetings.

The Department of Postgraduate Studies and Research of the School of Surveying and Geospatial Eng., strives to achieve the following objectives:

- Determining the guidelines and criteria for Ph.D. entry examinations and interviews.
- Setting the guidelines and criteria and proposing new courses at the post graduate level
- Determining the criteria for scholarship applications at the Master and Ph.D. level.
- Supervising the Ph.D. comprehensive exam.
- Helping and advising postgraduate students in their studies
- Monitoring strict implementation of educational regulations
- Coordination between the groups regarding the use of joint master programs.
- Monitoring the implementation of regulations in postgraduate courses
- Monitoring research projects regulations for both academics and students.