26 05 2024 Mr. Seyd Teymoor Seydi-Invitation to the... PhD student in Surveying Engineering – Remote Sensing Title: "Identification and Assessment of Damage Caused by Natural Disasters Based on Deep Learning Methods Using Remote Sensing Data""
28 12 2024 Announcing MSc Defense Mr.Amirabbas Saberi جلسه دفاعيه كارشناسي ارشد، آقاي مهندس اميرعباس صابري با عنوان " امكان سنجي...
21 12 2024 Announcement Master's Thesis Defense of... Title: Forest Change Monitoring Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Images Based on SLIM and BULC Classification Algorithms in the Google Earth Engine Platform
18 09 2024 Announcing MSc. Defense Mohammad Erfan Azadi Title: Optimal Discretization of Fault Plane for Estimating Co-seismic Slip Distribution Based on Discriminability Analysis